Savoring Sunset: A reflection on saying goodbye by physician assistant Sara Lynne Wright

A physician assistant ruminates about the cycle of life, of sunrise and sunset—and how we can better appreciate each waking moment.

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Who Knows How the Body Turns? A Reflection on Lyme and Rheumatoid Arthritis by Sheila Luna

A writer living with rheumatoid arthritis finds companionship in another writer living with Lyme disease. Although these two diseases may be different, they continue to manifest in similar ways.

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Ways of Knowing (and Not Knowing) When the Prognosis is Terminal by writer PK Kennedy

"Right in here, remove your clothes. Underwear and bra can stay on but put the robe on so it's open in the back, not the front, okay?"

The words are coming at me in a torrent; I can’t understand any of them, but I know the drill.

I throw my stuff in a bag, take a deep breath, and open the door to the inpatient surgical waiting room. It smells like alcohol and ice and has no memories I can sense. Am I the first person that’s ever come here?

“You’re here for the lumbar?”

I cut her off before she could say puncture. "Yes."

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Written in the Stars: A Reflection on Youth Cancer by Will Moody

For every young adult diagnosed with cancer, a time comes when we ask ourselves a question.


Why did this happen to me? Why now? They are not questions we want an answer to, but as humans, we crave finding meaning in our lives. We do it because the alternative is accepting that cosmic randomness determines our very breath.

Why did this happen to me? Why now? They are not questions we want an answer to, but as humans, we crave finding meaning in our lives. We do it because the alternative is accepting that cosmic randomness determines our very breath.

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Bedside Mannerisms: Finding the time to care by pediatrics resident Vidya Viswanathan

In medical training, there is an increasing didactic focus on empathy and professionalism. In many of these sessions, I have learned certain skills: Sit down at the patient’s level. Ask them open-ended questions. Don’t interrupt. Use an in-person, video or phone interpreter. These skills are helpful. But often, they run up against the great limiting factor in many of our clinical encounters: time.

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On Vulnerability and Transformation, a reflection on open hearts and medical training by hematologist-oncologist Jennifer Lycette

“Retrospection Series” (Fall 2019 Intima), Joseph Burns writes on undergoing open-heart surgery at age twenty-three, only two months before In he started medical school. At first, he is reluctant to share his story with his peers. “It was a secret that was contained within the walls of the physical exam simulation rooms.” But as his training moves forward, he is motivated by his experiences “to become the best physician possible…to be the one who provides care, love, compassion, and primarily hope in situations where all may seem lost.”

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Playing Favorites: When Caregivers Recognize a Wider Capacity to Love by Flo Gelo

“The Favorite” (Spring 2021 Intima) by clinician Amy Tubay is a story about having one. It’s a story about the defiant heart—how certain patients enter our affections in ways that are largely mysterious. That love—a love that overrides rules and regulations—isn't something we pay enough attention to in the health professions.

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Connecting with the World of Our Patients: A Reflection by Savita Rani

In her poem “Internet Dating for Centenarians(Intima, Fall 2021), Sarah Smith paints an animated picture of her cheeky and cheerful elderly patient. Smith, a board-certified family physician and author of The Doctor Will Be Late, describes her dilemma about which topic to discuss with her patient—lipids or love.

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Inside Voices: Learning When to Listen, When to Control by writer Marleen Pasch

In my short story “Rocks and River,” ( Fall 2021 Intima) a young woman named Tran Huong Giang stands on the MacMillan University Bridge and looks into the ravine below. She knows—as does writer Meredith O’Brien in her essay “Another Game Day”(Fall 2021 Intima)—what it’s like to hear two voices.

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