Intima Archives | STUDIO ART

Trisha Paul, who graduated from the University of Michigan, is attending medical school. She blogs about her experiences in the fields of literature and medicine at "I Will Wear My Heart Upon My Sleeve" appeared in the Spring 2014 Intima.

David Brame is a Professor of Visual Communication at Ryerson University in Toronto Ontario."Locutus" appeared in the Spring 2014 Intima.

Jessica Nute is a PhD candidate at MD Anderson, researching the use of dual energy computed tomography in brain imaging. "Bamboo Sanctuary" appeared in the Spring 2012 Intima.

Natalie Uy is currently a second year medical student at Baylor College of Medicine. She graduated from Stanford University with a B.S. in Biology and a B.A. in Art Practice. In addition to medicine, art has also been a lifelong passion. Her main mediums are painting, printmaking, and photography. "Systole Diastole" appeared in the Spring 2014 Intima.

Wesley Usher is a licensed mental health counselor and multi-disciplinary artist. "A Bridge Across the River Thames" appeared in the Fall 2014 Intima.

Mohamed Osman is a physician and visual artist. He is a certified family physician, the owner of Primary Care of St. Pauls in St. Pauls, North Carolina, and affiliated with South Eastern Hospital in Lumberton, North Carolina. "Migraine Headache appeared in the Fall 2013 Intima.

Hena Ahmed is an M.D. candidate at Harvard Medical School with interests in neuroscience, global health, and visual arts. "Neurodiscovery in the Deep Blue" appeared in the Spring 2014 Intima.

Talia Malekan is a high school artist at North Shore Hebrew Academy in New York. Her passion for creation and interest in the humanitarian aspect of practicing medicine inspired her work. "Boundlessness" appeared in the Fall 2014 Intima.

Kriota Willberg is a massage therapist working at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Through writing, drawing, performance, and needlework, she focuses on the intersection between body sciences and creative practice. She has an MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts from Goddard College. "Root Canal" appeared in the Spring 2013 Intima.
"My needlework attempts to create emotional attachment to disconnective medical imagery of the body," says Willberg. "Looking upon the most hidden representations of people we love via the MRI, x-ray, or ultrasound, it is often difficult to resolve those images with our emotional connection to that person. Using traditional domestic materials, the imagery created in my needlepoint is intended to connect and intermix the sentimental attachment one feels to family heirlooms, portraiture, and ephemera, with the desire for attachment and intimacy we often experience when gazing upon the clinical image of a beloved unborn child, or a loved one’s internal structures."

Hena Ahmed is an M.D. candidate at Harvard Medical School with interests in neuroscience, global health, and visual arts. "A Priceless Gift" appeared in the Spring 2014 Intima.

Khalil Harbie is attending medical school at the University of Florida College of Medicine. His experience with the opportunity to dissect in his first year has led him to reflect via a pencil drawing. "The Art of Anatomy" appeared in the Fall 2013 Intima.

Jesús A. Rivera is on the Advisory Board of Intima. Nikita at the Gates, which appeared in the first issue of the Intima in Fall 2011, is a classic Narrative Medicine response to hearing an account of suffering. The painting was presented as a gift to George and Mary, Nikita's owners, after she passed away. When George was diagnosed with a chronic illness, the dog's companionship offered comfort and played a key role is easing his suffering. Shortly before Nikita died, George walked her through Central Park “Gates” exhibit. This painting was inspired by this narrative. It explores the themes of death, transitions and bittersweet freedom.

Kim Gledhill has been represented by several Manhattan galleries, and her work has been shown internationally. "Tangible Evidence" appeared in the Fall 2012 Intima.

Mohamed Osman is a physician and visual artist. He is a certified family physician, the owner of Primary Care of St. Pauls in St. Pauls, North Carolina, and affiliated with South Eastern Hospital in Lumberton, North Carolina."PRN Tinged" appeared in the Fall 2012 Intima.

Sara Hobbs Kohrt is a medical research publications specialist living in Asheville, NC. She spends her spare time with either a camera or a piece of charcoal in her hand, or exploring the world with her two favorite people. "Things She Cannot Show You" appeared in the Fall 2014 Intima.

Talia Malekan is a high school artist at North Shore Hebrew Academy in New York. Her passion for creation and interest in the humanitarian aspect of practicing medicine inspired her work. "Feeling Innervation" appeared in the Fall 2014 Intima.

Ansel Oommen is a freelance writer, gardener, and medical transcriptionist residing in New York City. Discover more at: "Metamorphosis" appeared in the Fall 2014 Intima.

Kim Gledhill is a graphic designer, artist and mother who has written a book called Seeing in the Dark, which is about her experiences of having had premonitions throughout her life and overcoming the challenges of MS. "Dream of Lost Opportunity" appeared in the Spring 2013 Intima.

Elsa Asher is a writer, educator, and doula. She works at the intersection of birth, medicine, ritual, and narrative. "Canyon," which appeared in the Spring 2013 Intima, is part of a series of paintings and photographs exploring grief and birth. Read more about Asher's work at

Renua Giwa-Amu is a Nigerian artist studying at the Savannah College of Art and Design. "Elmer," which is inkwash on postcard paper, is dedicated to the artist's sister, who will ride medicine to success. "Elmer" appeared in the Spring 2013 Intima.

Mohamed Osman is an American Board Certified Family Physician and accomplished visual artist. He is a former United Nations Physician in Africa. To see more of his Art & Medicine, go to "Multiple Personality Disorder" appeared in the Fall 2014 Intima.