Submit a Book Review to Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine
Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine accepts submissions of book reviews for fiction, non-fiction, academic and poetry books that fall under the umbrella of narratives about illness, health and caregiving. We have seen an uptick in these kinds of books that illuminate the intimate interface between clinicians, caregivers and patients during the clinical encounter.
While we are primarily interested in newly published books, we welcome reviews of classic or recent books as well. Book review submissions should demonstrate a familiarity with those already posted on the Intima website in style and tone, and should be no shorter than 500 words but not exceed 1500 words.
Our book reviews serve to endorse worthwhile books for the Intima readership to enjoy. We are not looking for critical pans, but welcome critical thinking about books that fall into our narrative focus. The submission process filters through Submittable, an online publishing review service we use. Please include a short biography that describes your qualifications.
After our editors have reviewed the submission, you will be contacted about whether and when it will be published on the site.
Prior to submitting, read Intima’s “Elements of a Book Review." Link is here.
We do not pay for book reviews and reserve the right to edit the piece for clarity. Before it is published, a copy will be sent to you to ensure changes are reviewed. Email us if you have questions or would like to pitch a new book. We will be happy to contact the publisher to send you a review copy before publication.
Thank you for your support of Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine.