CAPACIOUS | Savita Rani
© Capacious by Savita Rani. Pen and ink. Fall 2022 Intima
If something is capacious, it has the space and capacity to hold a great deal. I love this word to describe the quality of human connections. I drew this hand to represent the capaciousness — the ample space for love, kindness and compassion — that can occur in the connections between a patient and practitioner, a caregiver and their loved one, a learner and a teacher. The hand is a rich symbol; here it represents a means for cultivating care and appreciating vulnerability in these relationships. I enjoy employing paradox in my art. This image is made up of a tightly-packed series of lines, yet the outstretched hand expresses a sense of openness and readiness to hold, comfort and heal.
Savita Rani is a physician by training and artist by spirit. She is a Desi woman and a first-generation immigrant settler in Canada. She is a resident physician in Public Health and Preventive Medicine at University of Saskatchewan, and also has a Master of Public Health from Queen’s University. She has a special interest in bringing arts and humanities into medical education and public health as tools for practice, teaching, learning and reflection.