Bernadine Guimary

© Patience, Planes and Paper Cranes. Bernadine Guimary. Black ink and digital drawing software
“This comic was made with black archival ink on mixed media paper and edited in Procreate. This story was based on one of the first patients I observed as a patient sitter in which I watched over him to ensure he did not pull out his tracheostomy tube again. I did not know any Polish, but I always carry extra paper with me. I learned to fold paper cranes in third grade to contribute to a collection of one thousand paper cranes from my mom’s-coworker’s-relative’s funeral. Folding cranes became muscle memory. I was able to walk my patient, and many others after him, through the process of making cranes.”
Bernadine Guimary is an Emergency Medicine research associate, patient sitter and aspiring physician. As the daughter of two registered nurses, one of whom is a pastor, from the Philippines, Guimary has seen many perspectives of healthcare. After a long day of studying for the MCAT, working at the hospital and/or volunteering at church, she draws the stories and images bubbling up in her brain throughout the day. Her love of art comes in handy when bonding with patients, who seek ways to distract themselves from the hospital setting. She hopes to connect with more people through comics and illustrations by relaying the emotional reality of patients and those who provide patient care. Discover more: @bernadine_guimary_art