Rooms and Wombs and Writing: A Reflection on Stories Highlighting Life’s Impermanence by Patrick Connolly

I’ve come back to Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants so many times. He uses third person objective point of view to create a chill in a scene that could otherwise be exuberant and exotic. A train station, central Spain, a hot afternoon, people talking about their lives together, an unspoken baby on the way – and that is a problem.

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Connecting with the World of Our Patients: A Reflection by Savita Rani

In her poem “Internet Dating for Centenarians(Intima, Fall 2021), Sarah Smith paints an animated picture of her cheeky and cheerful elderly patient. Smith, a board-certified family physician and author of The Doctor Will Be Late, describes her dilemma about which topic to discuss with her patient—lipids or love.

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Inside Voices: Learning When to Listen, When to Control by writer Marleen Pasch

In my short story “Rocks and River,” ( Fall 2021 Intima) a young woman named Tran Huong Giang stands on the MacMillan University Bridge and looks into the ravine below. She knows—as does writer Meredith O’Brien in her essay “Another Game Day”(Fall 2021 Intima)—what it’s like to hear two voices.

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Facelessness and the Glass Between Us: Finding Connection In the Era of Covid by Hannah Dischinger, MD

COVID has gotten in the way of so much, literally. It floods lungs with heavy fluid, making it impossible to do meaningful gas exchange. It has become unfathomably, sickly politicized, another ideological wedge between two sides of an already divided country. The currencies of medicine—vulnerability, respect, trust, among others—have become that much harder to exchange. As I read Dr. Uhrig’s beautiful “Facelessness,” I felt some of these barriers lessen in knowing I’m in good company as I think about these new dynamics.

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When Medical Professionals Care for Their Own: A Response to “Of Prematurity and Parental Leave,” by Mason Vierra

Of Prematurity and Parental Leave(Intima, Fall 2021) describes the harrowing experience of giving birth to a premature baby during residency. It’s written by doctors married to each other —Dr. Campagnaro and Dr. Woodside—who co-construct a narrative by telling it from their own perspective.

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A Simple Ritual: Reflecting on the Moments Before Surgery by poet and orthopedic surgeon Photine Liakos

Surgeons are well-known for precision and protocols. There is often a ritual nature to our actions when preparing for surgical interventions, an orderliness and discipline: checklists, time-outs, pauses, consensus.

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When the “Clock of the Living” Runs Down: A Reflection by clinical social worker and chaplain Betty Morningstar

The fractured stories at the end of life often reflect an ineffable but powerful experience of creativity, insight or even revelation. These opportunities arise because the dying person doesn’t see time according to the clock of the living. Imagine how much one could conceive of were time not of the essence.

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The Shit Poems: A Reflection by Drea Burbank

I am interested in the juxtaposition between my use of poetry to shed traumatic experiences and memories from medicine, and the description of William Carlos Williams by Britta Gustavson (“Re-embodying Medicine: William Carlos Williams and the Ethics of Attention,” Spring 2020 Intima).

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The Limits of Love: A Reflection by Carmela McIntire about Anorexia, Overeating and Fulfillment

Disordered eating occupies a spectrum—anorexia nervosa at one end, morbid obesity at the other. Attempting rigid control of the body and its appetites, anorexics are unable to see themselves and their bodies accurately. Compulsive overeaters—often obese—similarly might not see themselves accurately. In both disorders, controlling food is the aim, a genuine addiction, a strategy through which addicts deal with the world and their own circumstances—a necessary coping skill, even though it is risky to health in both cases.

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What I Learned about the ICU: A Reflection by Benjamin Rattray

In her essay “The Shape of the Shore” (Spring 2020 Intima), Rana Awdish takes us into the intensive care unit during the ravages of a pandemic. She shows us “…the desperate thrashing patients on the other side of the glass” and “…the sticky blood on the floor.” As I read the words, my breath becomes shallow as fear and grief pummel into me. Somewhere deep, beneath the shrouds of consciousness, the words resonate, and I feel as though I am slipping beneath an indigo sea.

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Shakespeare, Stanzas and How We Think About Death by Albert Howard Carter, III, PhD

When my sonnet “All Tuned Up” appeared (Spring 2021 Intima), I was asked to write about another piece published in the journal. I chose “I Picture You Here, But You’re There” (Spring 2020 Intima) by Delilah Leibowitz. Her poem and mine both explore how we think and feel about death.

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How a Doctor Learns to Act: A Reflection by Claire Unis, MD

“Am I becoming / something unfamiliar?” asks Lauren Fields in her poem My First Mask Was a White Coat” and in that simple question she brings back for me the struggle of becoming. With our first medical school clerkships we don white coats and mimic our preceptors: some false confidence here, a prayer for invisibility there. Silent reassurances never spoken aloud: It’s okay to pretend at doctoring. That’s how you learn.

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How Touch Affects Healing, a reflection by Wendy Tong

In her Field Notes essay “Hand Holding” (Fall 2019 Intima), Dr. Amanda Swain describes the experience of beginning her surgery rotation as a third year medical student. In the early days of the rotation, she feels an intense sense of being out of place within the “intricately choreographed dance” of the operating room. But when the next patient is wheeled in, Dr. Swain is reminded of how a nurse once took her hand before she underwent surgery, the touch conveying an unforgettable message of comfort during a time of deep vulnerability.

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On Fathers, Love and “Exit Wounds” by psychiatrist and essayist Greg Mahr

I regularly attend a poetry critique group in Ann Arbor, MI called the Crazy Wisdom Poetry Circle, named after the bookstore and tea shop where we used to meet before the pandemic. The experienced poets there have come to accept the sad and overly personal poems and flash pieces I write and help me craft them into something that sometimes almost sounds like real writing. One of them once told me, “You always write from a place of longing. That’s a good place to write from.” I realized he was right. I find it hard to share what I write with the people I love. When I am in a good relationship, I write about bad ones; when I love someone, I write about missing them.

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Healing and Trauma: Recontextualizing Suffering by Sundara Raj Sreenath

Suffering due to trauma or illness often brings with it feelings of disconnect from the world as we knew it when we were healthy. The healthcare provider-healer, therefore, has an important opportunity to intervene in this unique setting and respond to the patient’s cry for help by offering a personal, humanistic touch and guiding them through trauma in addition to clinical management.

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Life in the Gaps: How Illness Transforms Our Sense of Time by Renata Louwers

It was in those gaps, between our lived experience—the crushing uncertainty about how long my husband would live, the daily reality of his intolerable pain, and the abrupt shift from a life of joyful ease to one spent contemplating death—and the oncology profession’s standards of care, first-line treatments, and numeric pain scales that my frustration festered.

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Growth is Not Linear: A Reflection on Recovery and Healing by Sujal Manohar

I skimmed through “Eight Months after a Suicide Attempt” (Spring 2015 Intima) once as I perused articles in past issues of Intima. But I came back to it, read it again, and again. Andrea Rosenhaft’s non-fictional and personal narrative speaks to the nonlinear recovery process after mental illness. It is also a deeply vulnerable account of the realities of suicidal depression.

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Caring for Our Caregivers: A short reflection by poet and hematology-oncology nurse Nina Solis

Caregivers deserve patience, gratitude and comfort just as much as those they support. As healthcare providers, we all could use a reminder to advocate for these irreplaceable members of a patient’s team.

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