Ohirenua Giwa-amu
© Man versus Nature versus Man by Ohirenua Giwa-amu. Spring 2020 Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine
Renua Giwa-amu is a Nigerian born artist and filmmaker looking to normalize blackness and survive the COVID-19 outbreak. Giwa-Amu is a 2D artist with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Animation and Interactive technology from the Savannah College Of Art And Design (SCAD). She also pursued Drawing & Storyboarding Minors; she enjoys visual development, illustration and painting. Her graduating thesis film "The Stick" is featured in the sixth season of PBS & KQED television series “Film School Shorts,” a broadcast which features the top student films created at the best art universities in the US annually. The 2D animated short that Giwa-Amu wrote, directed, storyboarded, animated and voice-acted will air nationwide in the US for three years. In her spare time Giwa-Amu, who speaks English and French with a smattering of Igbo, Yoruba and Spanish, pursues fashion modeling and loves to sing.